Thatching reed is being classified according to its provenance. Depending on the country of origin and its prevalent climate reed shows different characteristics. Generally speaking a warm continental climate, as for example in Romania, Turkey and partially in Hungary, has positiv effects on the strength of the reed spears. Within these groups reed is futher subdivided according to the length and thickness of the spears. What kind of reed to use for thatching has to be chosen individually depending on the constructional conditions.
Requirements to the constructional material reed
The reed has to be free of grass, old and bended spears and of any other impurities. The spears should be strong, of yellow to brown colouration and should not break immediately once they are being bent. A bundle of reed should have a circumference of at least 0.6 m. Short reed can be up to 1.5 m long (with a spear diameter less than 6 mm). Reed of medium length is up to 1.8 m long (with a spear diameter of 3 – 9 mm) and long reed measures up to 2.3 m (spear diameter 6 – 12 mm). The bundle of reed must not contain mould and has to be processed and packed in a dry condition. Superficial dampness does not harm the reed but the interior of the bundle must be dry at any time. You can learn more about the requirements for reed in the product data sheet which you will find in the annex of the standards for thatching roofs with reed (ISBN 3-481-02033-3).
Field worker
The most important species of reed
Romanian reed is characterized by an extraordinary strength and thin spears regarding their length. Turkish reed is yellow and strong. Reed from Hungary has medium strong to strong spears. Polish reed presents a cheaper alternative to the southern species. It is less strong which does not necessarily imply a reduced durability. The sector „architecture” elucidates more details about the characteristical traits of reed.
Reed field
Hiss Reet operates its own production centers in Romania and Turkey and has established a network of reliable providers in Poland and Hungary. Thus we can ensure our customers the supply of high-quality reed throughout the year.
Reed on a truck
The reed is delivered by tractor-trailer and automotive crane directly to the construction sides. One tractor-trailer can transport the amount of reed necessary for 280 – 300 m2 of thatched roof.